Roy and Peggy Diliberto

Roy and Peggy Diliberto’s relationship with the National MS Society began in the 1980s, when Peggy was an employee for the Delaware Valley Market. It was there that Peggy witnessed the Society’s impressive work to bring the MS community together, fund research that would find groundbreaking treatment options, and remain a trusted and supportive partner to people affected by MS.

After Peggy had left the Society and married her husband, Roy, she was diagnosed with MS. When Roy and Peggy moved to Naples, Florida in 2005, they struggled to find a neurologist with the knowledge and experience in MS to help Peggy find the right disease modifying therapy and provide well-rounded care for her symptoms. After seeing multiple neurologists, they reached out to the Society for help. the Society connected Peggy to one of their Partners in MS Care. These healthcare providers have demonstrated knowledge and expertise in treating people with MS and a special partnership with the Society to ensure their patients are connected to the best information and resources available.

It was through the Society’s connection that Peggy found her current neurologist at Florida Neurology Group in Fort Myers. They say the Society’s connection to her MS specialist has helped Peggy live her best life because her Partner in MS Care neurologist knows the latest in MS care to help Peggy take control of her MS.

Roy, a financial advisor by trade, reviewed their IRA and consulted with Peggy about their beneficiaries. Together they decided it just "made sense" to designate the National MS Society as a beneficiary. They believe that leaving a legacy will help many people for generations to come. It is a commitment to provide support that will one day end this disease forever.

You can make a lasting difference by including the National MS Society as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts, or by including the Society in your will or trust. Contact for more information.